Shandilya SV



I am Shandilya.You can infer me as a curious person who enjoy figuring out the problems arising in building blocks of the world and to find a panacea.I love to take complex technical ideas and distills them into lovable solution.With the profound visionary and skillset which will make me a Full stack Developer.

Full Stack Developer & Ethical Hacker

In addition proficiency in various ML framework such as Tensorflow,OpenCV,Pytorch.I am currently honing my skills in MERN to add firepower in my aresenal which is already well boosted by my creativity with a project well on its way.

  • City: Chennai
  • Degree: UG
  • Hobbies: Gaming,Swimming,Coding,Anime
  • Current: Learning different framework in ML

I am open to collab in projects and intern.


MERN Stack55%
C++ 73%
Python 73%
C 73%
Google Cloud Platform 64%
Machine Learning 37%
SQL 82%


To access My Resume,Click here.


If you are interested and curious I am always available.